#Beachtrash at Navy St., Venice Beach |
These photos may likely outrage the reader. If so, I urge you to contact Los Angeles County and voice your concerns.
The resources required to address this public health and safety issue are minimal. A small ATV could be employed with 2 employees who could drive along early in the morning, e.g., 8 a.m., and stop and pick up the very much visible #beachtrash near the water's edge. The very same #beachtrash that I could easily see as I walked near the water's edge today.
Below, over six empty glass bottles of CORONA® beer partially buried in the sand along the high tide line that have already survived being run over by a beach vehicle...
Above and below (close up) shows a large glass bottle near the water's edge that is right out in the open and very much visible. This could easily be picked up by LACBH in the morning so that it does not pose a public health and safety risk to the general public...
Below, the first of many #beachtrash totems that I created this morning to draw attention to this ongoing public health and safety risk, and hopefully to create some visibility so that LACBH can pick it up and dispose of it by hand...
Below, more #beachtrash gathered so that LACBH could dispose of it if it cared to do so...
Below, at Rose Ave., I collected #beachtrash laying about near the lifeguard tower and set up this photo. Hopefully, LACBH will stop and pick this up and dispose of it properly.
Below, another totem of #beachtrash...
and another.....
and another...
and another...
and another...
and another...
And below in the distance at middle of frame, LACBH running a tractor and a rake at the back of the beach on the soft dry sand..... but NO ONE and NO EFFORT near the water's edge to address the enormous amount of #beachtrash that poses a significant public health and safety risk...
To repeat, the problem is that LACBH is ignoring the significant #beachtrash issue near the water's edge. They are simply not disposing of it. This section of the beach is, in fact, avoided by LACBH personnel. I don't know why. There is #beachtrash there that LACBH is aware of and which represents a public health and safety risk to beach patrons, as well as to first responders.
Below, in the following two photos is #beachtrash on the sand just a couple of hundred yards from the LACBH maintenance compound. This is the beach in front of the large Venice Blvd. parking lot where patrons pay exorbitant beach parking rates to LACBH. In return, these families have to share the beach with #beachtrash.
... plus a soiled used diaper amongst this #beachtrash right next to families and just a couple of hundred yards from the LACBH maintenance compound.
an empty glass bottle right next to the LACBH compound, tractor and vehicles... left uncollected and not disposed of by LACBH...
Last but not least, below, and RIGHT IN FRONT of the LACBH compound is more #beachtrash ignored and uncollected. LACBH has lost its way. LACBH is no longer hand picking up #beachtrash near the water's edge. On a weekend morning this should be done without fail in advance and in anticipation of the weekend crowds. Not to do so is gross negligence, in my opinion.
Public health and safety is at risk. Is there a greater reason to get this trash off the beach?!...
Respectfully submitted,
William Maguire,
Los Angeles resident
(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)
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